Monday, October 18, 2010

Autumn in New York, Mowing Sideways, Lots of Leaves, and 'Romance on the Journey'

This morning I awoke with a crick in my neck, from sleeping at an angle--or from the copious amounts of mowing I did yesterday; not sure which. Mowing can break your neck if you're not careful. Especially mowing sideways on a hillside and having to look behind you while you throw all your weight to one side to avoid tipping over the riding mower and thus rolling down the hill.

It's not a job, it's an adventure. <g>

I fell off the mower a few months ago while mowing on a hill. Just tumbled right off and landed on my head in (thankfully) soft grass. One of our neighbors happened to be driving by at the exact moment I took a head-dive, and he slammed on the brakes, tore out of the car and ran toward me to see if I was dead. I wasn't. But I was sure irritated at myself for falling off the mower. I hated upsetting my neighbor, too, as the man suffered a heart attack last year and really needs to keep his excitement level down.

So now I mow while looking behind me, especially on those nasty hills. And I awaken the morning after with a crick, but at least I don't fall off anymore and run the risk of getting myself dead.

Yesterday was leaf clean-up day here on the farm. We have two of the largest maple trees known to man in our front yard, and they've just barely begun to shed. Even so, we vacuumed up ten loads of bright orange leaves yesterday. Thank heavens for the DR Mower-Vac. It's huge and unwieldy but it gets the job done. Of course, tomorrow or the day after, we'll be vacuuming them up again. And at least ten times more, until they all fall. This morning I look out the kitchen window and see a watery sun shining through a million bright orange leaves, and it's a lovely sight. I'll kick my way through them as they fall, and enjoy those crisp, cold days when the wind knocks off what's left on our trees, and try not to complain too much while we dump load after load of sucked-up leaves. At least this year, we're not having to rake them all. Talk about a cricked neck!

Our autumns are lovely here. Our farm rests on verdant grasses with a bit of rolling hills, the surrounding land tucked with maple, sumac, hickory and fir. We have bonfires up by the pond, sitting in the blanketing dark, enjoying the contrast of cold air and intense heat. Winter comes all too fast; I often wish I could snapshot the moment when autumn is at its zenith, and hold it there indefinitely. Right now our leaves have peaked and the days are a meld of sun and shimmer, rain and wind. Perfect.


I want to mention Keli Gwyn, and 'Romance on the Journey.' Keli writes inspirational romance, and she has an amazing blog that's so packed with helpful writing tips, amusing and touching anecdotes, support and a built-in cheering section for those who aspire to publish or have already published. Each week she interviews a writer, someone newly published or, like me, trying to get published. My interview with her appeared yesterday on her blog. You can find it here:

While you're there, check out Keli's previous interviews, and take a look at all her blog has to offer. I guarantee, you'll be coming back again and again for the information she so generously provides.

Well, it's time for my second cup of coffee, and hitting the keyboard for the day. Have a good Monday, and enjoy this lovely autumn day. Thanks for stopping by.


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